Wednesday 17 February 2010

Wednesday 17 February 2010

The builders moved in and began work on Monday 15th Feb so I am much happier now that I can definitely see a faint light at the end of a very long tunnel. Dunk and I went shopping on Saturday to get estimates for the loss adjuster for the items that are to be replaced such as, carpets, sofas, curtains etc. I have complied that letter ready for posting so things are really beginning to move forward now. I spoke to the loss adjuster on Monday and he believes the work will take 3-4 months so I am still working on moving home by end of July so that I have the 6 weeks summer holidays to settle back in before Owen begins Secondary school in September. Bless him we really dont need the added pressure of moving school coinciding with moving house.

I lost the plot with BT this morning who were supposed to come and fit a phone line and broadband at the rental yesterday but never turned up. We have a letter and an email confirming yesterdays date but BT customer service have 'no record' on their systems???? We have had to place a new order and wait another 5 days, so now coming next Wed 24th. How crap. I am about to raise a complaint with BT and have OfComs number to call them too, simply because I am sick of being taken for a mug and these large companies doing whatever they please and **** the rest of us.

Ryan has continued to struggle greatly and school life has unfortunately nosedived. He kicked a boy in the face last week and split his lip because the boy was "annoying" Ryan. I have spoken to the Paediatrician team who are a registrar and consultant down at the moment, so the earliest appointment I can have is 7th April oh sweet joy. I have obviously tried to get Ryan to talk about his feelings but he just shuts down, he did draw and very good picture at school about the accident and I have bought him a diary/journal as he asked so that he can write down how he feels but it just sits on his bed unopened.

Lilian came to stay breifly on Saturday 6th Feb so that Duncan and I could go out for a well deserved break to Emma H-P's 30th Birthday ball and it was fab, just what the doctor had ordered. I still haven't uploaded photos onto facebook though as we are STILL on dial up.

Owen has signed up and now plays for Llangennech AFC which has been excellent and there is also a senior team on Sunday they had a training match against the other age groups in the club and the goalkeeper from the senior team commented that he was extremely impressed with Owen and says he has potential which gave Owen a much needed boost to his confidence. We are obviously beaming with pride.

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